GHG Emission Reduction: Reduction Plans

Our FootprintApproachREduction pLans

Reduction Plans

We are continuously developing our reduction plans for FLAG and Non-FLAG activities across Scope 1&2 where we have control over our emissions and Scope 3 where we can influence our emissions working in partnership with our suppliers and customers.


A Local Approach

Our internal systems of controls, and procedures allows our businesses the independence to make effective decisions.

Each of our sites is developing individual plans to achieve GHG emissions reductions against which they will report on performance.

The progress that we make with our Regenerative Agriculture and Biodiversity activities will significantly contribute to our GHG emissions reductions.

Reduction Plans -Site by Site 

Reduce Waste

Tie into Lean programs

Data driven optimisation

Impact of Regen

Soil carbon cycling

Low GHG fertiliser

Reducing fuel usage

Reducing peat usage


New Technology

Reducing hydrocarbons (vehicles)

Increasing renewables

New packaging solutions

New refrigerants

Carbon capture technology