GHG Emission Reduction: Approach

SBTi Approach

In 2021 we made a commitment to following the SBTi approach to measuring our emissions. 

We engaged with the Carbon Trust to validate our baseline and support our SBTi application. 

In September 2024, The Science Based Targets initiative validated that the science-based greenhouse gas emissions reductions target(s) submitted by G’s Fresh conform with the SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard and the SBTi Forest, Land and Agriculture Guidance.

G’s is one of the first farming businesses to achieve this validation.

SBTi Guidance

Following SBTi our emissions fall into two categories FLAG and Non-FLAG. FLAG is a global framework for businesses in land intensive sectors to set science based targets.

Our FLAG activities include e.g. fertiliser, compost, on farm use of diesel, cardboard and paper. All our other emissions are Non-FLAG.

Our FLAG & Non-FLAG Targets

SBTi assigns different target reduction profiles to FLAG and Non-FLAG activities. 

Our target reduction profiles are 33% for FLAG and 46% for Non-FLAG by 2030.