GHG Emissions Reduction : Our Footprint
Our Target
By 2030 we aim to have mitigated 45% of our GHG emissions from our own operations, against a baseline of 2019/20.
This is the first step on our way to achieving our target of Net Zero by 2035.

Our Baseline
Our 2019/20 GHG emissions baseline is 375,000t CO2e.
- 21% is Scope 1&2 – within our own operations
- 79% is Scope 3 – upstream and downstream
Scope and boundary relevant to G’s
Scope 1 : Direct emissions released from the operation of owned or controlled assets Scope 2 : Emissions associated with energy consumption by owned or controlled assets.
Scope 3 : Indirect emissions from ‘upstream’ e.g. suppliers and ‘downstream’ e.g. end of life of sold products.

Reporting period: 01 May 2019 – 30 April 2020 Footprint consolidation approach: Operational control Functional unit: tCO2e

Major Hotspots
75% of our total emissions are made up of:
- Transport
- Fuel
- Packaging
- Traded Produce & Other Materials
- Fertiliser
- Peat
- Water
- Refrigerants
Soil Carbon.... is complicated....
We are currently working to quantify our soil carbon emissions, presently there is no globally recognised methodology to accurately measure soil carbon so our 2019/20 baseline excludes both emissions and sequestration related to soil.
Working with Downforce Technologies we have recently identified an independent verifiable methodology for making these calculations in a consistent way year on year. In 2024/25 we will be rolling out this methodology across all our farms.

Some Key Definitions
Net Zero : is when the amount of CO2e we add is no more than the amount taken away.
Carbon Footprint : the total amount of GHG’s that are generated by our actions. Our footprint for any activity is calculated as quantity used x emission factor.
SBTi : was set up by the CDP, the UN Global Compact, The World Resources Institute and WWF. The SBTi allows businesses to demonstrate that their GHG emission reduction targets are in line with the Paris Agreement 2015 and latest climate science.
CO2e : is the number of tonnes of CO2 emissions with the same global warming potential as one tonne of another greenhouse gas.